The Heart of the Matter

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I am so grateful for the journey and career epiphany I have experienced which has led me to the perspective and approach that helps patients without relying on prescriptions medications. While medications have a role in modern medicine, and often are critical in saving lives, maintaining health, preventing transplanted organs from being rejected, curing patients from cancer, and helping millions of humans avoid the detrimental effects of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, those at risk for developing life threatening blood clots or heart attacks, and additional ones that increase quality of life, the heart of the matter is that whenever possible, we must empower ourselves to always achieve whole person well-being and health without reliance on synthetic and prescription medication whenever possible, as eluded to in this New York Times article published this week.
It should not surprise anyone that over time, more scientific and research data will likely show side effects of medications that many are taking for years, but we are yet to be informed nor aware of the potential consequences.
I too spent years taking ranitidine (brand name Zantac) since high school, for gastrointestinal issues and symptoms. It is precisely because of my personal journey learning that my own symptoms were due to the choices I made, what I ate and drank and when, and the ability to actually minimize reflux symptoms by taking accountability for the decisions I made and respecting how my body reacted to my choices and behaviors, that I have been mostly symptom free. 
ACID REFLUX IN CHILDREN was written by Dr. Zur, Dr. Kaufman, and I precisely to empower parents/caretakers to learn how they can get their child off of ranitidine and other medications.
Let us become healthy humans as much as possible, and use medication only when absolutely necessary.
NEW! Curing Acid Reflux in Children: A Guide for Parents online course is now available. Register and learn more here
Acid Reflux

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